Thursday 31 December 2009

Mexico City Legalizes Same Sex Marriage

The latest city to legalize homosexual marriage is Mexico City. We will see more and more cities and states legalizing same sex marriages as we get nearer the very last days. Satan is turning the world into another Sodom, and God is giving the world over to it's lusts and passions, because it has turned away from Him and is ignoring the loving promptings of the Holy Spirit.

God destroyed Sodom by fire and He will destroy this earth by fire after Jesus returns at the second coming. It's time to warn the world of the impending destruction because of her abominations against her Creator God.

Link to news article:

Sunday 13 December 2009

Follow Jesus With all Your Heart EVERY DAY

Please know that although this blog has been created to follow current news events in light of Bible prophecy and their fulfillment, Jesus MUST continue to come first in our everyday lives. There are great and terrible things happening all over the world that point us to the coming climax of earth's history just before the second coming of our Lord, Saviour and King, Christ Jesus. And as exciting as these events can make us feel with regards to the time we are living, we MUST strive to continue growing in our relationship with Jesus every day. Do you truly worship God everyday?

Keeping watch on world events and searching for the truth about what is happening around the world must not take the place of our relationship with the Lord Jesus. He must come first. If the time you spend on looking out for world events and finding out about all these 'secret' groups like the 'Illuminati', is more than you spend with Jesus, then please leave it for now and get right with Christ first.

Jesus must receive more of our attention than news events. He is the only one that can save us, so let's give our all for Him. By all means continue to watch for signs, but don't let that consume your life, so that Jesus gets pushed aside.
We must be ready for Christ every day.

Thursday 3 December 2009

Another Sunday Law Enforced in Germany

The Vatican have put pressure on another country to ban shops from opening on Sundays. This time they had the backing of the Lutheran Church. The protestant churches are heading back to the Church of Rome and her support and power is increasing all the time.

You can see the news article for this here:,,4953600,00.html?maca=en-rss-en-all-1573-rdf

The majority of the Christian world will just accept the Sunday law, because it is the day they are keeping anyway. Even though God gave us His particular day that we should rest on, which is the 7th day, Saturday. The Christians of the protestant churches don't realize that it was the Roman Catholic Church who changed the Sabbath day from Saturday to Sunday. Why did they change it? Because Sunday was the day in which the Pagans worshipped their sun god, and the Roman Catholic Church wanted them to join the church, so they changed the Sabbath day to Sunday, so that the Pagans could join the church (swelling the numbers of the Catholic Church) and still keep worshipping their sun god on Sunday.

See The Sunday law if you would like to keep up to date with the Sunday law issue.

Closing of the shops on Sunday is just the beginning of the Vatican's attempts to persuade the nations of the earth to adopt a more strict Sunday law, where not only would we not be allowed to work on Sunday, but we would not be allowed to keep any other day as the Sabbath.

What should we do? Reject this Sunday law and keep God's Commandments, including the one that says we should keep the SEVENTH DAY SABBATH (SATURDAY). Study the Sabbath day truth for yourself and let God guide you to His day of rest.

"Here is the patience of the saints. Here are they that KEEP THE COMMANDMENTS OF GOD, and the faith of Jesus Christ." (Revelation 14:12)