Tuesday 11 May 2010

All That Live Godly Shall Suffer Persecution

2 Timothy 3:12 .....'Yea, and all that will live godly in Christ Jesus SHALL suffer persecution.'

This and many other Bible verses explaining that Christians will suffer persecution concerns me, because I don't see a church that is suffering for Christ Jesus. Sure, there are Christians is certain parts of the world that are being killed for their faith, and God will surely reward them for their great faith, but in the large majority of professing Christians around the world, I don't see any kind of persecution in their lives.

Why should we suffer persecution? Because we are not of the world and Jesus said in John 15:19 that the world would hate us because of this fact. The world hates Jesus and it will also hate all those who follow in His footsteps.

Now there's the distinguishing mark ..... following in Jesus footsteps ....... And the reason that the majority of professing Christians are not suffering any kind of persecution today, is the fact that they are not following in Jesus footsteps. Let's face it, if we were TRULY following the Lord, then we would be rejected by the world, by our friends, our family and everyone else, and THEN we would see persecution in our lives. BUT, the problem is, we want to fit in. We don't want to be outsiders, or unpopular. We want to look just like the world. And I'm afraid that the majority of the Christians around the world look just like those outside the faith. We speak like the rest of the world, dress like them, gossip like them, continue to sin like them, want to "enjoy life" like them, watch the same filth on tv like them, etc, etc.

It's time to start truly following Christ Jesus and not be ashamed to suffer persecution for Him. Stand up for what is right!

There are many Christians who also believe that we will not suffer persecution during the very end times, and that we will be "raptured" away before the great tribulation starts. This is NOT the truth. See truth about the secret rapture and the great Biblical tribulation for the truth on this.