Friday 15 January 2010

The Second Coming of Christ Jesus

Are you getting ready for the second coming of Christ Jesus? Or are you thinking, "well, Jesus isn't going to return just yet, so I have time"

Have those who lost their lives in Haiti got more time?

This page is to warn you if you ARE thinking that way, and not preparing for Jesus return, then please do something about it. Get on your knees and pray before your Creator God and ask Him to change your heart, so that you are ready for Jesus every day.

And if you are in the camp of the secret rapture believers, then I ask you to get back to your Bible and study the TRUE second coming of Christ Jesus, because He isn't going to come back quietly, there is no hint of that in the Bible whatsoever! Let me give you just one verse:

2 Peter 3:10 .....'But the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night; in which the heavens shall pass away with a great noise, and the elements shall melt with fervent heat, the earth also and the works that are therein shall be burned up.'

Jesus IS coming back as a thief, but ONLY to those who are not ready. Just take a look at this above Bible verse. When Jesus comes as a thief, the heaven will pass away with great noise and the elements will melt with great heat. Does that sound like a quiet secret rapture?! Not a chance. When Jesus returns at the second coming, He will come like lightening, ie. EVERY EYE SHALL SEE HIM RETURN, AND IT WILL BE NO SECRET!! Yet those who proclaim the secret rapture theory keep saying that Jesus is coming back as a thief to take away the saved, and they will just disappear in an instant, and then life will continue on earth and those who are left will get a second chance. This is nothing but Jesuit false teaching to cause people to sit back and relax, trusting in the secret rapture, so that when the great tribulation comes, they will not be prepared spiritually to withstand the persecution from the beast of Revelation 13, and will just end up taking the beast's mark.

Friends, we need to get ready!! Even if Jesus doesn't come back for another 10 years, we need to be ready EVERY DAY! Why? Because none of us knows when our last day will be. Just look at those poor people in Haiti. A possible 50,000 - 100,000 have been killed. Their lives were taken away from them in an instant, and so could ours at any time.


Get right with Christ Jesus now. If you die today, then for YOU, there is no more waiting for the second coming, because your judgment will have been sealed and the next thing you will know is rising from your grave AT the second coming of Jesus. Be ready always! Surrender your all to Jesus Christ today, study the Bible and find out the truth!

Wednesday 13 January 2010

Earthquake in Haiti a Sign of the End Times

Many will be wondering if this earthquake is a sign of the end times. Are they right to think this way?

Yes it is a sign of the end times, along with all the other signs. Let me just say my heart goes out to those who were affected by this disaster. It's reported that many thousands may have lost their lives and millions have been affected by the earthquake.

There are those of us who are watching these signs, and there are those who just shrug it off and say that this has been happening for a long time. Well, we have had earthquakes happening for a long time now, but when you look at how many natural disasters we have now and the intensity of them, you begin to wonder, what next?

Jesus said that natural disasters would be the "beginning" of the end times. Well, we started having natural disasters a long time ago now, so we are certainly closer to the second coming. And when you couple the disasters with what else is happening, then you realize how close to the very last days we could just be.

The Gospel has gone to vitually the four corners of the earth.

The morals of the people of this world have degenerated to the degree of Sodom.

We are not long away from the "elite" bringing in a world government.

Technology has brought us close to a "cashless" society, so that they can stop people who refuse the mark of the beast to "buy or sell" (Rev. 13)

The antichrist power has been identified (Roman Catholic Church).

When you put all these Biblical signs of the end times together, then you know that we are living in the last days. So are we right to think the earthquake in Haiti is another sign of the end times? Yes, when added to the others, it is.

Keep watching!

Monday 11 January 2010

Should Christians Flee to the Mountains

As we are nearing the end times, many are asking the question; should Christians flee to the mountains in the end times?

We can see a pattern in the Bible that God tends to lead His people into the wilderness for safety when persecution comes, or when the place His people are living in is full of sin.

God led the Israelites into the wilderness out of Egypt.

God led Lot out of the city of Sodom.

God led John the Baptist to dwell in the wilderness.

Jesus told the early Christians to flee Jerusalem into the mountains.

God led the church during the persecution of the dark ages into the wilderness.

So we can see God's leading throughout the Bible for His people into wilderness places, places of safety away from sin and corruption and persecution. Does this mean Christians should flee to the mountains in the end times, during the very last days? For some, yes. For others, no.

You see, God will still have some of His people behind in the populated places, to give their lives for Christ Jesus as a witness for Christ, after the beast mark has been enforced. Others will leave for the safety of the wilderness. Which one is right for you? Come before God in prayer and ask for His guidance in your life.

For a more indepth look at this issue of fleeing to the mountains, see should Christians flee to the mountains in the end times.

Fix your mind on Christ and let Him guide your heart through His Holy Spirit.

May God be with us all during the last days.

Sunday 10 January 2010

Roman Catholic Nation of Portugal Legalizes Homosexual Marriage

The Roman Catholic Nation of Portugal is the sixth country in Europe to permit homosexual marriage. There is no doubt that the Vatican are in control of this country, amongst many others, and yet they allow this bill to pass in parliament. The Roman Catholic Church have had many lawsuits against it's clergy for abusing young boys, and now they allow this bill to pass legalizing same sex marriage.

The world is falling head long into the same state as Sodom, just before God destroyed it by fire. Things are going to get much worse, because the world is rejecting the truth of God's Word in favour of keeping man happy. God will only tolerate this kind of abomination for so long, before He brings swift judgment upon the people. It's time to leave the whore of Babylon (Roman Catholic Church). Leave the fallen Protestant churches that have clearly wandered from the truth of the Bible, and who are now joining with the Church of Rome again, and join God's end time saints. Who are they?. There is only one church denomination that preaches present truth for our time, and that is the Seventh Day Adventist Church

Study the Bible every day and get right with God. Give your heart to Jesus, take up your cross and follow Him with all you have. It's time to worship God, not man!

Wednesday 6 January 2010

Atheists Refuse to Debate with Creationists

Well, the atheists are pushing their views on the people in Melbourne, Australia, but they are not prepared to have an open debate with creationists. The atheist convention 2010, will take place featuring well known atheists like Richard Dawkins and Peter Singer. Now Richard Dawkins has refused to openly debate with pro-creation scientists in the past. Why could this be? Could this be because he and other atheist scientists know that what they believe is based on lies and deception, and they fear being exposed in an open, live debate?

Evolution is one of the biggest lies to grip this world, and many churches sadly are now starting to embrace it. The truth of God's Word is being rejected in favour of the teachings of man, and the world will fall further and further from God and Christ Jesus as we near the last days.

Let's embrace the six day creation account AS PER THE WORD OF GOD! Let's start trusting in God, NOT MAN!

Below is a link to the article about the atheists refusing to debate. Please forward this link onto people you know.